Monday, February 15, 2010

CG1102 meeting reflections!

We (Roger, Jonathan, Renuka and I) had our first ever official meeting last Friday (12th Feb) at the Central Library. We decided to use one of the discussion rooms at the library because we needed a quiet place to tape our meeting. Since we knew we were being filmed, it was really awkward at first since we were so self conscious therefore had to take a few takes before the actual one. However, we realised that we should all forget the fact that the webcam is there and try to act as natural as possible. Although our meeting was not as smooth as it would have been if it were not being filmed, we managed to finish our task.

I realised that, it was very important to be prepared for any meeting I would be attending. If we do not read up on any materials that were essential during the discussion it would be difficult to contribute or achieve anything from the meeting. Lucky, all of us came prepared and could contribute effectively. Also, it is important that we listen actively to our team members’ views and ideas. Definitely, all our ideas and opinions put together would produce much better results and help to solve minor problems we might face along the way.

As for the filming portion, we realised that it was a good thing we did not stare into the camera when talking as that would have looked very artificial but something we could have improved on was the fluency of our discussion. I guess it is not so easy to speak in front of the camera after all!

Overall, our meeting was a success in the sense that we managed to get started on our project, we tried to accommodate to each other’s views and gave constructive criticism. We are going to have a lot fun at the same time gain valuable skills from this project.


  1. Hey!

    True that the meeting would've been smoother if we had not been filmed. Initially all of us were self-conscious and a little hesitant about saying our views and suggestions. But then we got used to it.

    It is definitely very important to do some preparation before a meeting so we will be able to understand what the others say without much difficulty. And as you say, during a meeting, listening skills are also important.

    Personally, I don't think our first meeting was very professional either in the sense that all of us were a little uneasy initially. So let's all try and rectify these common problem from our next meeting - self-consciousness, staring into the camera and awkward silences! And yes... We are really learning a lot through these activities.


  2. Hi Preeti,
    likewise for me, i find the filming very awkward too. We tend to be more mindful our our gestures, movement and how we speak. I think it somehow affects our interaction with the group members.

    In any case, the preparation for a meeting is indeed very important. Even for my case, i realised my lack of preparation had caused a lot of time wasted in trying to solve a particular problem. As we lacked the prior knowledge for certain issues, things did not continue on smoothly.

    Its great you identified all these issues.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Preeti,

    Since we are in the same group I certainly can relate to what you went through during the recording. I felt that we were unnatural as we were taking great conscious effort not to look into the camera at all times. I myself was trying to resist laughing during the start of the filming too.

    Honestly, I felt that we really learnt alot about ourselves and our team members during this filming and there is room for improvement during the next meeting.

    I certainly look forward to the next meeting and I believe there will definitely be less awkwardness!

  5. Hey Preeti,

    I agree with you that having a meeting without filming would very likely be more productive. With the camera on, most of us were tense in trying to put on the "best" image instead of speaking our mind.

    On the other hand, I feel that it is still a good experience. By filming, I have learnt interesting things about myself as I have mentioned in my post. Learning about our own mistakes from recording is a refreshing experience compared to having others point them out to us.

    Congrats on having a fruitful first meeting! I am confident that your group would have many more successful meetings ahead for the project!

  6. Hello Preeti (my CG1413 groupmate!)
    I am glad that your meeting was a fruitful one. I agree with you on the fact that we should listen actively when anyone is talking or contributing ideas as this is a form of respect. Working as a team is difficult. We should try to accomodate each other's ideas and give constructive feedbacks to each other's ideas. This would help fasten the progress of the group.
