Monday, February 15, 2010

CG1102 meeting reflections!

We (Roger, Jonathan, Renuka and I) had our first ever official meeting last Friday (12th Feb) at the Central Library. We decided to use one of the discussion rooms at the library because we needed a quiet place to tape our meeting. Since we knew we were being filmed, it was really awkward at first since we were so self conscious therefore had to take a few takes before the actual one. However, we realised that we should all forget the fact that the webcam is there and try to act as natural as possible. Although our meeting was not as smooth as it would have been if it were not being filmed, we managed to finish our task.

I realised that, it was very important to be prepared for any meeting I would be attending. If we do not read up on any materials that were essential during the discussion it would be difficult to contribute or achieve anything from the meeting. Lucky, all of us came prepared and could contribute effectively. Also, it is important that we listen actively to our team members’ views and ideas. Definitely, all our ideas and opinions put together would produce much better results and help to solve minor problems we might face along the way.

As for the filming portion, we realised that it was a good thing we did not stare into the camera when talking as that would have looked very artificial but something we could have improved on was the fluency of our discussion. I guess it is not so easy to speak in front of the camera after all!

Overall, our meeting was a success in the sense that we managed to get started on our project, we tried to accommodate to each other’s views and gave constructive criticism. We are going to have a lot fun at the same time gain valuable skills from this project.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Interpersonal conflicts at would you resolve them?

Both Sarah and Kate have been working together at the same bank for 5 years now. They have since grown to become very good friends and always looked out for each other. One day, their boss announces that they would be promoting people soon in the department and jokingly told everyone to act well till then. Sarah and Kate came to know that only one of them would be getting promoted and decided that they would happy for each other no matter what.

At the end of the month, Sarah got promoted while Kate was still in her old position. Although Kate was very disappointed she knew from the start only one person would be getting promoted. She was walking past the office cafeteria when she overheard some people discussing the recent promotion. She heard them mention the fact that Sarah got promoted only because she sometimes took credit for her partner’s (Kate’s) work and also because she bad mouthed about Kate to her boss.

Kate was taken aback by shock although she knew that her friend Sarah would not be capable of such things, it was a rather important and big promotion which both of them have been looking forward to so she felt that Sarah might have used any opportunity to get hold of that promotion. Also, the others from her office would not have known about this unless it was true. To top all of this, she remembered that ever since Sarah knew about her promotion, she has never come to meet Kate. When in fact, Sarah was busy preparing for her first meeting after her promotion with her boss.

Angrily, Kate went to look for Sarah. After she found Sarah, Kate told Sarah whatever she heard and the fact that it was all probably true since the promotion was an important step in their career. Since that day, Kate tried to ignore Sarah and only spoke to her if it was absolutely necessary. Sarah tired explaining to Kate but she refused to listen. What could be done to help Sarah?